About FAN

click here for the FAN Meeting PDF click here for photos of meetings click here for FAN members countries

FAN is the Friends and Neighbours Group. It is a weekly group enabling people to meet in friendship.

We want to meet, listen and be friendly with others whatever their religion or ethnic background.

We want to talk about our daily lives. People from every country, of all religions or those who have no religion are welcome.

We want to give opportunities for local British people to meet those who have come to live here from other countries. Please come if you would like to.

Do not worry if your English is not good, you can come to sit and listen.

Perhaps, some good English speakers would also be willing to help someone learning English? 

This meeting is for adults - there is no creche at the moment.

There is no charge for coming.

Telephone: (029) 206 38814 or Email: here

"We want FAN groups in villages and towns of every country so that any stranger can find the nearest group and be sure of meeting a friendly face. "

Weekly Meetings

All our meetings last one hour – if they finish earlier some people stay and chat.  Please contact us for any further information.

FAN Groups are opening up quickly and if you think one would make a difference to your community we would be delighted to support and advise you in setting one up. 

FAN Groups give a wonderful return to the organisation or community that sets one up.  There is very little effort needed.  A room to meet and tea and coffee making facility – and we have the Information about running the meeting.

If you already have an information leaflet you can go along to one of the addresses on it.  However dates and times and sometimes venues can change quickly, so if you want to be sure telephone the number above between 6.00 and 8.00pm weekdays. 

Alternatively email the website at – welcome_all@thefangroups.org

DO give one hour when you are able – to make our world a better place – if you want our human family to work together in friendship.


photo is of a fan with a map of the world printed on it.text is: fan groups. we are friends and neighbours. we welcome everyone.
registered charity 1117005